Crossing the U.S.

One of the big lessons we learned from traveling around the world is that we finally comprehend the magnitude of its size. Maps do not do any justice to the scale of how small we are and how little we know or can know about this planet, its cultures and people. It is just bigger than us! The US is a big country and everyone knows that but when we had the chance to drive from its southern pacific coast to the middle of Texas our perceptions changed very fast. The extensiveness and beauty of this land is quite something … Continue reading Crossing the U.S.

Southern California

We visited California for several reasons. First, we were scouting San Diego as a potential place to live. Second, Henry had never been to the west coast so we wanted to take the opportunity to see what is going on in this part of the US. Finally, Claudia’s parents and Grandmother flew from Boston and Ohio to say hello and have some days off from the cold northeast winter. San Diego delivered from day one. The weather in this city is probably the best in the continental US. It is sunny and warm with soft winds that make life outdoors … Continue reading Southern California


Hawaii is going to be a short entry because it is very easy to recap our time in the Islands. First let’s say that Oahu is one of the most beautiful places on earth. Yes, we were told that the other islands are much more beautiful than Oahu, but for us this is not a competition, it is a matter of personal perspectives and experiences. Oahu’s nature and landscape are beautiful; the laid-back culture and approach towards life is contagious; finally, the city is well developed so we felt comfortable arriving there. In addition to the points mentioned above, we … Continue reading Hawaii