Last months overseas: Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii and Southern California

Our sincere apologies to our readers for the untimely updates on the past months. We are in the west coast writing these posts (San Diego, CA). We arrived here two weeks ago after visiting Bali, Australia, New Zealand and Hawaii. The reason behind our tardiness in sharing these posts is probably the lack of enthusiasms towards facing the reality of coming back, finishing our trip and getting back to reality. Indonesia (Bali) – from Nov 15 to the 28. Australia (Melbourne, Geelong, Sidney) – from Nov 29 to Dec 9. New Zealand (North Island from Wellington to Auckland) – from … Continue reading Last months overseas: Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii and Southern California

Five days to go!

We packed the apartment, sold one of the cars and drove up to Boston to get organized. We are leaving this Friday, first stop Costa Rica. We want to thank our Stamford friends for the warm goodbye dinner. We will miss you guys! Moving was an experience, I miscalculated the size of the truck required for the job and I had to find another one-way truck to Boston in the middle of moving. I was very lucky we found a Colombian gentleman call Jose Delgado who helped us pack up the truck, he saved the day helping us in Stamford … Continue reading Five days to go!

6 Weeks to D day

So here we are December 15, 2013. We will be leaving our place in CT by Jan 31st. We have plenty of things to get done before D day, but we are very exited about the next 12 months of our lives. We have decided to use this method to communicate with friends and family as well as for keeping a live record of the trip. We will also be using Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to keep everyone posted. Hopefully you will enjoy the blog/updates! Continue reading 6 Weeks to D day

“Twenty years f…

We are about to embark on one of the greatest adventure of our lives… After much planning and preparing we are taking a year off to travel around the would. We hope our family, friends and really anyone who is interested in this crazy and exciting trip will follow along with us through this blog! “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark … Continue reading “Twenty years f…